Buy photographic equipment

We've set up our product pages to be particularly helpful for customers who are weighing up their buy or rent options. Buying equipment on our website is no different to buying it from anywhere else.

If you buy something and change your mind, don't panic. You can return it unopened within 14 days for a full refund. We guarantee the equipment we sell, usually for 3 months.

Under the "MORE OPTIONS" tab on the product pages you may also find links to retailers that we know and trust and where we think the price is competitive. On this page you can research the price of the equipment from several retailers, and see further options to buy new or pre-loved items or even swap them for something else that you may have.


See our new Lens Lab customers Buy, Sell, Swap and Wanted listings here:


Create your own buy, sell, swap or wanted listing on Lens Lab here; It's free!


Photographic equipment buying FAQs

If I dont like the price you offer and I dont want it listed on the lenslab website?

We send your camera back fully insured at our cost.

What if my equipment is damaged in transit?

Our couriers are insured. Your lens is safe.

How long does it take to Sell lenses when an agreement has been made?

It usually takes about 2 days.

Photo competition

Welcome to our inaugural (free-to-enter) Photo Competition open to photographers of all ages with no entry fees. Enter 3 of your best photographs on the theme of CYCLING CULTURE.


Sensor Cleaning

Clash of the Cameras

Here at Lens Lab, we offer a quick, professional sensor-cleaning service providing the safest and most effective way to remove dust from the entire mirror box area and restore clarity to your images.



photoGuard Insurance Logo

Lens Lab have teamed up with photoGuard to offer customers the best of photography insurance. Don’t leave it to chance; protect your photography equipment today. T's & C's apply.