Whitley Bay Photographic Society

http://www.wbps.co.uk/  ESTABLISHED: 1907

The club caters for most types of photography. Digital Imaging, Monochrome and Colour Prints and Audio Visual are included in the club programme. Our members are always willing to give guidance to less experienced photographers. The club programme has a mixture of talks and competitions covering a wide variety of subjects. We have several inter-club competitions with other local clubs. The society is affiliated to the Northern Counties Photographic Federation and therefore takes part in the competitions and other events organised by them.

Contact information:

3 Waverley Avenue,
Whitley Bay,
NE25 8AU

Club Meetings:
every Tuesday evening from September to April at 7.30p.m

Key members
President Brian Tunnard President@wbps.co.uk
Vice PresidentDavid ParkinsonVice_President@wbps.co.uk
General SecretaryJan ClementsSecretary@wbps.co.uk
TreasurerRon ClementsTreasurer@wbps.co.uk
Syllabus SecretaryAndrew NicollSyllabus@wbps.co.uk

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Photo competition

Welcome to our inaugural (free-to-enter) Photo Competition open to photographers of all ages with no entry fees. Enter 3 of your best photographs on the theme of CYCLING CULTURE.


Sensor Cleaning

Clash of the Cameras

Here at Lens Lab, we offer a quick, professional sensor-cleaning service providing the safest and most effective way to remove dust from the entire mirror box area and restore clarity to your images.



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