Worthing Camera Club

http://www.worthingcameraclub.org.uk/  ESTABLISHED: 1904

The Club has seen a whole host of other changes over the years to embrace the technological advances in photography and to continually strive for improvement of the Club. We are delighted to have Club members with differing abilities behind the lens. We welcome all photographers – from those just starting out in photography to full time professional photographers.

Contact information:
Main contact telephone: 01903 765292
Main contact email: scottgair@yahoo.com

Quaker Meeting House,
34 Mill Road,
BN11 5DR

Club Meetings:
every Tuesday evening between the months of September and May-at 7:00pm for a 7.30pm start


Key members
Chairman Len Brook
Vice ChairmanDarren McLachlan
TreasurerSheila Higgs
SecretaryVince Knight

Have you seen some information that is not correct? CLICK HERE to tell us what's wrong.

Photo competition

Welcome to our inaugural (free-to-enter) Photo Competition open to photographers of all ages with no entry fees. Enter 3 of your best photographs on the theme of CYCLING CULTURE.


Sensor Cleaning

Clash of the Cameras

Here at Lens Lab, we offer a quick, professional sensor-cleaning service providing the safest and most effective way to remove dust from the entire mirror box area and restore clarity to your images.



photoGuard Insurance Logo

Lens Lab have teamed up with photoGuard to offer customers the best of photography insurance. Don’t leave it to chance; protect your photography equipment today. T's & C's apply.