Wantage Camera Club

http://www.wantagecameraclub.co.uk/  ESTABLISHED: 1967    MEMBERSHIP: 50

If you’re thinking of joining please come along to one of our meetings! Non-members pay a small fee of £3 per meeting so that they can find out what the camera club is like. There is no obligation to join and you are welcome to visit as often as you wish. Club meetings are held throughout the year on each Tuesday evening. Meetings start at 7:30pm at the Methodist Church Hall in Newbury St, Wantage. A location map can be seen here. There is a small car park at the Church Hall, which is reserved for visiting speakers and judges, and members bringing in equipment for the meetings. Ample parking is available at the Civic Hall (aka The Beacon) car park. This is free after 6:30pm. The Club also has a flourishing Audio Visual Group, which regularly runs tutorial sessions on popular software packages such as Photoshop and Pictures to Exe.

Contact information:
Main contact telephone: 01235 223399

Wantage Methodist Church Hall
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA

Club Meetings:
every Tuesday-meetings start at 7:30pm


Key members
Chairman Judith Sulley chair@wantagecameraclub.co.uk
PresidentAlec Finchpresident@wantagecameraclub.co.uk
SecretaryHeather Bennettsecretary@wantagecameraclub.co.uk
Programme SecretaryLou Owen-Jonesprogramme@wantagecameraclub.co.uk
TreasurerAngela Normantreasurer@wantagecameraclub.co.uk

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Photo competition

Welcome to our inaugural (free-to-enter) Photo Competition open to photographers of all ages with no entry fees. Enter 3 of your best photographs on the theme of CYCLING CULTURE.


Sensor Cleaning

Clash of the Cameras

Here at Lens Lab, we offer a quick, professional sensor-cleaning service providing the safest and most effective way to remove dust from the entire mirror box area and restore clarity to your images.



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Lens Lab have teamed up with photoGuard to offer customers the best of photography insurance. Don’t leave it to chance; protect your photography equipment today. T's & C's apply.