Wayland and District Photographic Club


We are a non-profit making club and our aim is to further our enjoyment of photography. Our members have varying skills from novice to professional, but all are keen to share their photographic knowledge and skills with each other. We are a friendly club with members from all over Norfolk. Through our regular programme of club meetings that include competitions, training workshops, guest speakers, and monthly events, we are all striving to improve our art. Affliated to East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies.

Contact information:
Main contact name: Jack Mitchell
Main contact telephone: 07769 667586
Main contact email: justjackmitchell@yahoo.com

Saham Toney Village Hall
Bell Lane, Saham Toney
IP25 7HD

Club Meetings:
We meet on the first, second and fourth Tuesday of each month, Septr to July, from 7.30pm-10.00pm

Key members
Chairman Francesca Shearcroft fran48@mac.com
Vice ChairmanRobin Orrowrowdpc@gmail.com
SecretaryAndrea Cawsandy.caws@gmail.com
TreasurerMarnie Ballmarnieball66@gmail.com
Internal and External Competition SecretaryRobin Orrowrowdpc@gmail.com

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Photo competition

Welcome to our inaugural (free-to-enter) Photo Competition open to photographers of all ages with no entry fees. Enter 3 of your best photographs on the theme of CYCLING CULTURE.


Sensor Cleaning

Clash of the Cameras

Here at Lens Lab, we offer a quick, professional sensor-cleaning service providing the safest and most effective way to remove dust from the entire mirror box area and restore clarity to your images.



photoGuard Insurance Logo

Lens Lab have teamed up with photoGuard to offer customers the best of photography insurance. Don’t leave it to chance; protect your photography equipment today. T's & C's apply.