Molesey Photographic Club  ESTABLISHED: 1958    MEMBERSHIP: 30

The Club was formed in 1958 by a group of keen amateur photographers. Its first Chairman was David Ross the owner of 'David Ross Photographic Studios' then situated in Bridge Road East Molesey. The early meetings were held in the school previously known as Ray Road School, West Molesey. Membership stood at around 25-30 when in 1959. In 1967 the Club held its first exhibition in the new Molesey library. In 1968 the Club appointed its first President - David Ross and Tom Davie became Chairman. The club had by now moved its meeting place to St. Paul's Hut in Vine Road and membership had declined a little. It was at this time that Molesey joined the Surrey Photographic Federation so that they could meet and compete against other member clubs. This helped members to see a much wider range of photography and hopefully help to raise the overall standard within the Club.

Contact information:
Main contact name: Richard Escott
Main contact telephone: 020 8979 5912
Main contact email:

East Molesey Methodist Church
East Molesey
Line 3

Club Meetings:
We meet at 8.00pm on the second and fourth Tuesday in each month from September until June.


Key members
President and Honorary Life Member Tom Davie
Vice PresidentPhil Peddy
Internal Competition SecretaryPhil
Social SecretaryJane
ChairmanTim Yarnell

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Photo competition

Welcome to our inaugural (free-to-enter) Photo Competition open to photographers of all ages with no entry fees. Enter 3 of your best photographs on the theme of CYCLING CULTURE.


Sensor Cleaning

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